
How words per minute (WPM) is calculated

In NerdType, your typing speed is measured in Words Per Minute (WPM). Here's how the WPM is calculated:

  1. The game tracks the time elapsed from your first keystroke until the game ends. This time is converted from milliseconds to minutes.
  2. The game counts the total number of characters you typed correctly in all words, including longer words which contribute more characters to your total.
  3. The standard word length is defined as 5 characters, which is the international standard for typing speed measurements.
  4. Your WPM is calculated by dividing your total characters typed by 5 (to convert to standard words), then dividing by the elapsed time in minutes.

For example, if you typed 200 characters correctly in 1 minute, your WPM would be:

(200 characters / 5 characters per word) / 1 minute = 40 WPM

This means typing longer words will contribute more to your WPM than shorter words. For example:

  • Typing "programming" (11 characters) counts as 2.2 standard words
  • Typing "cat" (3 characters) counts as 0.6 standard words

The WPM calculation only considers correctly typed words and does not account for any errors or incorrect words.

How Accuracy is calculated

In NerdType, your typing accuracy is measured as a percentage of correct keystrokes. Here's how the accuracy is calculated:

  1. The game tracks every character you type (excluding backspace and special keys) from your first keystroke until the game ends.
  2. When you type a character, it's counted as correct only if it matches the corresponding character in the target word at that exact position.
  3. The game maintains two counts:
    • Total keystrokes: Every character you type
    • Correct keystrokes: Characters that match the target word
  4. Your accuracy is calculated by dividing correct keystrokes by total keystrokes and converting to a percentage.

For example, if you typed 20 characters and 16 of them were correct, your accuracy would be:

(16 correct keystrokes / 20 total keystrokes) × 100 = 80% accuracy

Here's how accuracy works in practice:

  • If the target word is "code" and you type "cade", you will have 4 total keystrokes, 3 correct keystrokes (c, d, e), resulting in 75% accuracy.
  • If you type "coxde" and then backspace to fix it to "code", you will have 5 total keystrokes (c, o, x, d, e), 4 correct keystrokes (c, o, d, e), resulting in 80% accuracy.

The accuracy calculation includes all characters typed, even if you later correct them with backspace. This encourages precise typing rather than rapid typing-and-correcting.


NerdType features an achievement system that tracks your speed and accuracy. Explore the Achievements to discover the tiers and challenges that await you.

Known Issues

Issues are categorized by severity: High (major impact), Medium (moderate impact), Low (minor impact).

  1. 🟢 Low - Terminal input loses focus when alt-tabbing back to the window. Workaround: Press Ctrl + R to refresh the page.


To submit feedback, report bugs, or make suggestions, reach out via email: